Sunday, July 27, 2014

Time 2 Change

I never thought I would start a blog, and I have now started two blogs in less than four months. My new name and design reflects the adventure I am setting out on for the 2014-2015 school year. I am teaching fourth grade in the morning and third grade in the afternoon. I have been teaching fourth grade for three years at my current school. When I heard that the third grade teacher was retiring, I decided that I wanted to take on this challenge. I work at a Hebrew Day School where students are required to meet all of the state standards in a half day setting. They complete their Judaic studies during the other half of their day. It is really fast paced to get everything accomplished in three hours (notice the reference to my first blog.....fastpaced4thgrade) There are other challenges as well. I have had to learn about a religion that I am not familiar with. Each year I learn a little more about their customs, beliefs, and standards. The hardest part is finding literature that they can read and be exposed to. So, this year I am taking on 2 Grades and 2 Classrooms. The students will not move.... but I will!! Did you just get a sick feeling in your stomach thinking about getting two rooms ready before school starts?  I am getting a little anxious to decorate and organize the two classrooms. We just returned from vacation, so I am heading in early this week to start in on the challenge. Wish me luck! 

I love my new blog design by Lindsey. I highly recommend contacting her at if you are looking to start a blog or make some changes. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Sharon.
    Larry told me about your new blog and it looks amazing! I can't imagine teaching two different grade levels in the same year. Holy cow. You are on brave woman! I hope you have a great year and I look forward to following your blog.
